Monday, December 13, 2010


Hi,it's been another long time since I last wrote on my blog!
Just these past few weeks we have been visiting 3 new babies in our family,and the crazy thing is, all of the babies just happen to be girls! What a coincidence. they are the cutest things in the world! My aunt Jodi had a baby girl named Kia Rose Kinikini, my aunt Lose had a baby girl named, Masina Olupe Faith tuinei, and my aunt Rebecca had a baby named Hannah Lynne Moeai.One thing that I forgot to mention is that my aunt Ashley is going to have a baby girl. They havn't decided on a name for her yet but the ones so far are Coral or Asofiafia.I'm so glad that there are so many new cousins that have come to the family this year!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm Back!

It's been almost 2 years, my blog has been so neglected! So now I'm back and I will be trying to keep up my blog for this new school year. I am beginning the 6th grade at Mt. Loafer Elementary and my teacher is Mr. Ward. Some new things in my life are: more polynesian dancing, achievement days, Isaac is 2 now, we are hosting an exchange student from Holland, and we have two new dogs (maggie and bruiser, and I ran a hula camp this summer and earned $100! More later!